Betting strategy on JetX: best gaming tips

You will find plenty of betting options in the JetX game, so it is important to determine your game strategy as quickly as possible, as not only your winnings depend on it, but also your satisfaction with the game. Let’s consider the most popular strategies:

  • Strategy of Balanced Approach

This method is based on choosing a fixed multiplier for automatic withdrawal, with subsequent adjustment depending on the history of previous rounds.

Start with a moderate multiplier. For example, choose a 2x multiplier as your initial point for automatic withdrawal. This means that you will collect your winnings every time the multiplier reaches this value.

Carefully monitor the game history and statistics. If you notice that most rounds end with a multiplier higher than 2x, consider increasing your withdrawal multiplier.

After every 10-20 rounds, analyze and determine whether to adjust your withdrawal multiplier up or down. If the game crashes more often at low numbers, lower your desired outcome to minimize risks. If the game consistently shows high values, try increasing your withdrawal multiplier to increase potential winnings.

Let’s consider an example of use. Suppose you started the game with an automatic withdrawal multiplier of 2x. After 20 games, you noticed that in 15 of them, the multiplier was higher than 2x. In this case, you may decide to increase the multiplier to 2.5x to increase potential winnings. However, if in subsequent rounds you notice that the game crashes more often before reaching 2.5x, return to a lower number.

  • Intuitive Scalping Strategy

This principle is based on small but frequent wins, where the player places bets aiming to quickly withdraw funds when a small multiplier is reached. The feature is the active use of betting statistics from other players and the history of multipliers to “scalp” a small profit from each round.

Choose a starting multiplier. Set a low multiplier for automatic withdrawal, for example, 1.1x to 1.5x.

Watch other players’ bets and winnings. Use information about other players’ bets and winnings to form an understanding of the current behavior of the game. If most players collect their winnings at low multipliers, it may be a good time for intuitive scalping.

If you notice that the game regularly reaches a multiplier higher than your starting one, gradually increase it for automatic withdrawal. In case of more frequent crashes at low levels, decrease your multiplier to minimize risks.

Example of use. Suppose you started with a 1.2x multiplier and successfully collected small winnings. Suddenly, you notice that over the past few rounds, the number consistently exceeds 2x. Using this information, you decide to intuitively increase the withdrawal multiplier to 1.5x in the next few rounds, allowing you to increase your profit while keeping the risk level low.